Freight Highway To The North


Flood of 1904

HBC steamer Athabasca, 1896
HBC steamer "Athabasca", 1896
Provincial Archives of Alberta, B2865.

The steamer reached here [June, 1893] with our outfit. The goods were immediately dispatched to their several destinations and a good quantity of spring hunt in furs has been collected at different points. Two boats have been dispatched . . . leaving the Landing on the 30th. There will be 450 pieces at the Landing by the end of the month to go by way of Slave Lake for Peace River and Athabasca District. There are 305 pieces for Athabasca (District) at the Landing ready to go down by scow by the end of the month. (Hardisty to Chief Commissioner Grahame, quoted in Athabasca Historical Society 1986, 25-6)

Traders leaving Athabasca Landing for the North, 1903
Loading scows
Scow arriving at Athabasca Landing, Alberta.
The S.S. Athabasca at Athabasca Landing.
Scow going over the Cascade Rapids, Athabasca River
Boat being tracked up the Grand Rapids, 1899.
Loading Scows, Athabasca Landing, 1912.

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